These Poems Need Homes

A Variety Of Flominic's Poems!

First Mow

It was Saturday morning.
Gone was winter’s snow.
The time had finally arrived,
for the lawn’s first mow.

I walked to the shed
whistling a happy tune,
grateful for spring—
knowing summer would be here soon.

I rolled the mower out
and filled it up with gas,
I gazed at my yard
calculating my first pass.

I started the mower
and headed towards the gate.
When I reached it, I looked back,
my path was not straight.

I turned right around
and headed back toward the shed.
I made my way carefully
winding like a thread.

I continued back and forth
‘til that job was done.
Next I grabbed the trimmer
and hoped that it would run.

I got it running alright
and trimmed the fence line.
I missed some patches
but I thought it looked just fine.

Just then my wife came outside
to survey my work.
She shook her head and hollered,
“Have you gone berserk!?”

“You mowed the whole yard
and trimmed the entire fence,
but left every dandelion—
are you that dense?”

“They’re not just dandelions
they’re springtime’s first food,
and depending on them
is an important brood.”

“Well, explain yourself further
and make it make sense
or I, your wife, will mow the yard
and trim the fence.”

“The dandelions grow
for a little while
‘til other flowers
show off their vibrant smile.”

“And when there’s plenty of pollen
around to munch,
I’ll mow over each yellow
dandelion bunch.”

This is a strategy
I utilize you see,
to start the spring right...
for the precious—honey bee!


Show And Tell

It was the first week of spring
in Mrs. D.’s Third Grade.
As for the assignment,
the kids thought they had it made.

“Class, your assignment this week
is spring-time show and tell.
Bring something from nature
that shows spring’s alive and well.”

“The assignment’s due Friday,
make sure you’re all prepared.”
Mrs. D. looked forward
to seeing what would be shared.

Friday came, and Angela
got to show and tell first.
“This lilac sprig has got a bud,”
just like she rehearsed.

Matthew got to go next,
“We’re having nice spring weather.
At the pond I found
a Canadian Goose feather.”

Missy was the next presenter.
She had leaves of green.
“These are dandelion shoots,
the first ones that I’ve seen.”

John stood before the group.
“This is from my neighbor, Blanche.”
He held high, for all to see,
a pussy willow branch.

Mandy was up. “I picked this
beneath our window sill.”
She held in her hand,
a white and yellow daffodil.

Now it was Gabe’s turn.
He walked to the front with a grin.
“Some of my objects are fat,
and some of them are thin.”

Gabe reached in his pocket,
the teacher let out a yell,
bringing an official end
to spring-time show and tell.

Now she’d have to sanitize
against all kinds of germs,
for Gabe held in his hand…
a pile of puddle worms!



This morning I walked into class
and approached my desk.
There was milk on my keyboard
spilled by some little pesk.

I put my finger in it.
It was a plastic mold.
I was relieved of that—
now I wouldn’t have to scold.

Before I sat down
I decided to be aware.
I looked—and sure enough—
there was a tack on my chair.

I opened up my desk drawer
to put away the tack,
a well-placed rubber snake
‘bout gave me a heart attack.

With those pranks behind me,
I grabbed my computer mouse.
The cursor wouldn’t move
and I cursed the little louse.

They disabled it
by taping over the sensor.
The kids had clearly visited
the joke dispenser.

The kids all came in giggling
with cookies on a plate.
For me to try their confections,
they just couldn’t wait.

They weren’t chocolate chip,
they were potato and black bean.
As I gagged, they all laughed,
harder than I’d ever seen.

A little girl handed me
a glass of juice to drink.
I tried.  It was Jell-O.
That pushed them over the brink.

I tried to settle them down.
I said, “Please take your seat.”
I tried changing my shoes
but couldn’t fit in my feet.

My students had stuffed newspaper
deep inside each toe.
I sighed, rolled my eyes,
chuckled and said, “Well, here we go!”

It’s not like this every day
that I teach at school,
just on April first…
when I’m everybody’s fool!


Pedal Power

As we all gathered for our
brown bag lunch meeting,
against the window,
I noticed it was sleeting.

I walked to the wall
and cranked up the thermostat.
I addressed the group,
“I wonder where Russ is at.”

For the noon lunch meeting,
Russ was slightly delayed.
He got a flat tire
coming down a steep grade.

He had a flat tire
because he had to swerve.
A car came too close
as it came around the curve.

With a flat he was
already in a muddle,
when the very next car
splashed him with a puddle.

This splashed dirty mud
on his very wet sweater.
He hopped on and pedaled—
he couldn’t get wetter.

Just as the weather
was overcome by his soul,
a jerk in a diesel
decided to “roll coal.”

He emerged from the black cloud
gasping for his breath,
when a texting driver
gave him a brush with death.

As the frigid March wind
clawed away at his face,
Russ was grateful for his beard
and picked up the pace.

Inside, he began to remove
his road armor.
“Oops! I’m late!” he grinned
like a drenched dryland farmer.

His brown bag was dripping too,
as he took his seat.
His eyebrows and beard
were crystals of frozen sleet.

“Russ you rode your bike again,
it’s like, twelve degrees.”
“Oh! Don’t worry…
cyclist’s blood will never freeze!”